Find the Right Pace of Loss for YOU

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Find the Right Pace of Loss for YOU

“I love being mentally at war with myself over this weight I need to lose!”


“I love being hungry constantly and if I’m not, then I’m massively stuffed and full of regret.”


“I know most of my days I am finishing with very very low total intake, sure I have some days where I eat quite a bit more, but those days are MUCH rarer, something must be wrong with my body because I’m just not losing!”


“I don’t need a coach, I should know how to do this on my own, how hard can it be?”

Ever said any of those things, or some version of them, to yourself?

Finishing very very low each day in attempt to lose as quick as possible is most folks go-to diet ‘strategy’, but it’s a pretty crappy one.

I recorded this video with my thoughts on how this typically goes, what it can lead to, and why the law of averages is so tricky and how much you think you’re averaging is likely MUCH higher due to those splurge days. 

Doesn’t have to be a mental grind to lose fat successfully, just takes finding the right levels and pace of loss for YOU.

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