Hungry for Answers: Tackling Hunger During Weight Loss

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Hungry for Answers: Tackling Hunger During Weight Loss

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“I’m trying to lose weight but I feel like I’m always so, so hungry. I’m tracking and trying to stay at (insert calorie #) but once I workout, I come home and eat over half that amount leaving me very little for all the rest of the day!”


Okay so a couple things to look at:

1) If this is a constant issue, high likelihood you are allowing yourself too few calories daily.

  • Consider bumping that number up a bit, say 10% over where you’ve been tracking, and see if you feel less hungry and more energetic.
  • This will likely help not feel so hungry, you’ll feel less stressed and afraid to “run out”, and on more you’ll likely move more without realizing it, allowing you to burn more calories outside of exercise.

2) Look at your food choices.

  • If most foods in between meals are currently carbs, remember, carbs are delicious (and necessary within our diet, even moreso for athletes), but also digest extremely quickly so big ol blood sugar UP then big ol blood sugar DOWN, leaving us hungry, tired, and….wanting more carbs.
  • How can we make more filling choices? Great place to start would be your protein sources. Shakes and bars are awesome for convenience but not as optimal for filling you up and keeping you satisfied. Can we substitute a shake or two out for whole food protein sources instead?
  • Greek yogurt, string cheese, cottage cheese, your favorite meat or fish, turkey jerky, lots of protein dense options that will satiate you and fuel those muscles when hungry, start reaching for those!


Start with those tweaks and see how you feel, then go from there 👌🏽

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