What we do MOST of the time, is what matters most.

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What we do MOST of the time, is what matters most.

two people walking

Showing up late for your job that you’ve been at for years, one time, likely won’t get you fired.

Showing up early for your job that you’ve been at for years, one time, likely won’t get you promoted.

Getting one workout in this week likely won’t get you in shape.

Missing one planned workout this week likely won’t get you out of shape.

Having a perfect day of eating this week likely won’t get you to your goal.

Enjoying a little extra one day this week likely won’t prevent you from reaching your goal.

Isolated incidents, one-off’s, what we do once in a while, whatever we want to call those things, never ever matter near as much as we assume they will.

As our bodies and our health go, the net average of the ongoing cause-and-effect relationship, or our default operating mode (set of routines, habits, choices, actions), determines where things are and the direction they’re heading.

The only time a ‘once-in-a-while’ thing actually does matter, is when we give it the power and the permission to alter our default operating mode, or to change our routine or habits.

Folks that tend to make things look easy ongoing are often the ones who are very good at not carrying small hiccups into each next tomorrow. They do not let once in a while things have a say in what they do MOST of the time.

What we do MOST of the time, is what matters most, long term.

What we do once in a blue moon, gets lost quickly in the law of averages, so long as our default mode is in a good place.

Take your BEST days out of the mix.

Take your WORST days out of the mix.

Eliminate the outliers in either direction.

What does your average day of physical activity, workouts and movement outside of workouts, look like?

What does your average day of eating look like?

Look at both of those areas and it’ll give you all the insight you need into where your body of health is heading.

If you want to make changes for the better, improve those averages.

If you want help improving those averages, that’s precisely what I do within my Coaching.

I help you find the right way of eating foods you enjoy, in amounts that get you to your goal, using framework fit for YOU.

I help you find the best routine for moving your body, within exercise and outside of exercise, and make sure it helps our fat loss efforts but will also make long term weight management much much easier

I’m here to help, shoot me a PM and let’s have a convo about how we could get you to where you want to be with the tools and knowledge in place to be able to keep yourself there.

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