What Can I Do?

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What Can I Do?

This time of year in what feels like the dog days of winter, it’s quite common for our routines and schedules to feel a good bit off the norm. Shorter daylight hours, colder temps, still digging into post-holiday life, it’s tough.

As a result, we often give ourselves mental outs and make excuses in our minds for some things slipping, and our own self-care can take a big hit.

Most people say “I can’t do (fill in the blank)”, and end the thought process there.

  • I can’t make it to the gym.
  • I can’t follow nail my nutrition plan perfectly.
  • I can’t wake up later to make sure I’m getting my 7-8 hours.
  • I can’t keep my water intake on point, it’s too cold and I just don’t feel like it.
  • I highly recommend reframing those thoughts and adding “What can I do?” behind the first line.*
  • I can’t make it to the gym, but what can I do? I’ll walk an extra 2-3k steps today and take advantage of my lunch break.
  • I can’t nail my nutrition plan perfectly, but what can I do? I can keep my calories where they need to be knowing that’ll keep things in a good place, and it’s doable.
  • I can’t wake up later to make sure I’m getting my 7-8 hours, but what can I do? Well I probably don’t NEED to scroll social media for an hour each night, so if I take my bedtime back by a half hour or full hour in place of my newsfeed, that’ll add a few hours of extra sleep this week.
  • I can’t keep my water intake on point, it’s too cold and I just don’t feel like it, but what can I do? Well I do enjoy hot tea, much more appealing when it’s 30 outside, let me do that instead, that’ll make sure I’m staying on top of water.

All or nothing mentality never serves us well. If perfect can’t happen, aim for the next best thing. 70-80% “on” beats regressing!

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