Right tool for the job is often times *not* the first one we reach for

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Right tool for the job is often times *not* the first one we reach for

water bottles

I’ll use my daily water intake for today’s analogy.

My daily water goal is a gallon of water.

Some days I hit it, some days a hit lower, some days higher. But I try to average a gallon of water each day.

I tend to run hot, I move a lot, I sweat a lot, and so my hydration needs are higher than others.

This isn’t about water goals though, it’s about my approach to hitting my daily water goal, and zooming out from that, translates to how any of us approach executing on any of our goals.

On the left is a 1 gallon massive water jug.

I got it for a great price and it makes things SUPER easy in theory.

Drink the whole thing over course of the day, mission accomplished ✅

When it was new and exciting, say the first few days or the first week, I carried this big ol’ honkin’ thing around with me everywhere.

Had to lay it down on the seat in the car, no biggie though, I made it work.

Bumped it into walls or furniture here or there, again no biggie, it makes hitting my goal easier.

Fast forward a week or two, DANG this thing is cumbersome! Sloshes around lying down in the car, inconvenient to carry with me pretty much anywhere, and so I’d leave it behind often and end up thirst, and falling behind executing on my goal.

On the right, a 40oz water bottle/adult sippy cup.

Nice comfy handle, keeps water nice and cold, super convenient cup holder sized base, extremely portable and so I can take it anywhere and everywhere with near zero resistance.

Far less than my daily 128oz goal, so I have to refill it a few times, but the inconvenience of refilling it is FAR less than the inconvenience the much larger gallon jug caused constantly.

As a result, I am consistently exceeding my water goal without fail and never end up thirsty or stressing over “falling behind” because I left it behind.

This post is about my vessels of choice used to hit my daily water goal but the lesson I’ve learned in this context is the same lesson I’ve learned many times over.

What first appears as the easiest or best way, many times, is simply not that. When the newness and initial excitement wears off, things get real.

When we go for the biggest baddest thing, we often end up seeing thru the cracks quickly, and realize a more conservative life-friendly approach would’ve meant being able to stay executing longer.

If things aren’t convenient, and the tool we chose for the job means facing constant resistance, we won’t be using that tool for long.

Make things as simple as possible, consider what you’re capable of on days where your motivation ISN’T sky high, and set yourself up to be able to execute even on those days.

Whether it’s a water bottle, a diet strategy, a workout program, a new career track, a new degree, whatever it is. This lesson likely applies.

“Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.”

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