“I don’t have time to walk!”

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“I don’t have time to walk!”

pointing to watch

“I’m too busy, I don’t have time to walk! Between working all day and time with the kids later on, it’s just not possible.”

  • Most meetings and calls can be mobile/walk and talks. Most everyone needs to move more and many desire to do exactly that. Be brave enough to suggest it to higher-ups, co-workers, those that report to you (LEAD!), and customers. 
  • You surely can find a few 5-10 minute slots to pop up and walk your office or outside to the far end of the parking lot and back inside (mentally fresher for it…)
  • Your family likely 1) wants to spend time with you and 2) would love to walk with you. Invite them along and ask about each other’s day while outside moving and breathing fresh air. Together. 
  • You likely spend hours daily scrolling on your phone. Decide to spend 1/5 of your mobile/screen time walking. Even better, leave your phone behind 
  • “I don’t have time” is an excuse we make for ourselves. It’s how we excuse ourselves from attempting things. Stop that. We don’t have a lack-of-time problem, we have a massive time-allocation problem. 

If you want something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t want it, you’ll find an excuse. 

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