To the Extreme I Blow Out Like a Candle

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To the Extreme I Blow Out Like a Candle

Every year at this time, people everywhere work on what they’re going to change. Most of the time, it’s going way too hard, way too fast and nothing sticks. I’m anything but a pessimist, but it’s true, by the end of January, way too often, all the “new” was just too hard. Or too much to do. Or too much to keep track of while you’re busy doing all the stuff you already have to do.

But, all those things you say you’re going to do? What if you actually did some of them, but a bit more low-key than you’re thinking you will? We all know that if nothing actually changes, nothing changes.   But what if you tackled the changes you’re hoping to make with little things that add up? What if “I’m going to stop eating carbs” turned into maybe having one less Coke a day? Or switching to Coke Zero?  Or eating one or two cookies instead of a whole lot more? What if “I’m gonna work out every morning at 5:00 AM” turned into taking a 10-20 minute walk before getting ready in the morning and then working up from there? What if “I’m going to stop drinking” turned into just having less or imbibing on a special occasion instead of because “it’s Wednesday and there’s a basketball game on?” What if “I’m gonna lose 50 pounds by cutting out everything” turned into eating at home more often but still going out once a week or so instead of four or five times? Or halving your meal when you’re out?  You see where I’m headed? You don’t have to change EVERYTHING. BUT, if you do want to change, you do have to change SOMETHING.  

Easier said than done? Not really. Little changes add up over time. I love this:  (1×1)365=1  BUT  (1x.01)365=37.7. Little things can make a big difference. That said, you do need to have a talk with the person looking at you while you brush your teeth to actually make the little changes. Any change is hard, but why immediately go to the hardest possible change and start there? The whole “new year / new you” can become a reality, but it doesn’t have to happen over night. Give time time!

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