Weight Loss: What We THINK We Should Do vs What WORKS Better

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Weight Loss: What We THINK We Should Do vs What WORKS Better

extreme dieting vs healthy

Things most of us doing/thinking/feeling when trying to lose weight:


▹ As intense as possible

▹ As often as possible

▹ As total opposite of what we’ve been doing as possible


▹ As ‘clean’ as possible

▹ As little in total as possible

▹ As total opposite of what we’ve been doing as possible


▹ “Suck it up”

▹ You deserve to be miserable

▹ You goofed off for too long, this is how it has to be now

▹ Total opposite in a damaging manner of the mindset we’ve had prior


What would likely work MUCH better, both for short term results, and for long term staying power:


▹ Smallest amount above what we’ve been doing that will create a difference

▹ Continuing in this mode week over week until we’re at a level we wish to sustain, always


▹ Changing one area at a time

▹ Start with breakfast; “What changes can I make that would be more in line with my goals?”

▹ Solidify the new approach, then move onto the next meal

▹ Keep calorie level changes as the first and foremost focus.

▹ Not worry so much over clean vs processed choices; instead remaining focused on lowering total daily calories in a way that doesn’t make us miserable.


▹ Being open to being successful

▹ Not beating ourselves up for needing to make these changes

▹ Reminding ourselves that all or nothing mindset ALWAYS leads to nothing, then perceived failure, then giving up

▹ Aiming for small wins compounding over time, creating big differences in outcome

▹ Reminding ourselves we *can do hard things* and how we define hard is entirely up to us with each new day

▹ Believing in the power of habits 

▹ Developing a system of habits that turn into rituals/anchors that keep the needle moving the proper direction even without other accelerants like more exercise ongoing or lesser food ongoing


The more extreme and the further off from your current norm, the less likelihood of sustained follow-through. Lack of sustained follow-through = lack of results.

Small steady changes, layered in over time. That’s the fast track to success. Your norm, forever ‘leveling up’ via slow increase of the dimmer switch.

“𝙇𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙗𝙮 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚, 𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙖 𝙡𝙤𝙩.”

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