Macros 101

You’ve probably heard of a “macro” before when it comes to food, and you’ve definitely heard of calories. Long story short: macros are specific calories (carbohydrates, protein, and fats), but let’s dive into the long story as well!


What Are Calories?

A calorie is the energy it takes your  body to raise 1 gram of water by 1  degree Celsius. Simply thought of as  a measurement of the energy we  need to fuel our bodies.

If you’re like us, you’ve “counted  calories” before. You’ve searched for  a calorie calculator online, plugged  in some numbers, and verified it  against some other calculators, and  then did your best to follow a  cookie-cutter approach that gave  you a limited number of calories a  day without much guidance.

The “crazy” thing is you can still  see success with this approach.  As long as you are in a calorie  deficit, you will lose weight! A  calorie deficit is any amount of  calories consumed under your basal metabolic rate (AKA your BMR – minimum number of calories  required for basic human functions  at rest).

The problem with this approach is that  it is only 50% of what is needed to  ensure long lasting success. The  simple calories in vs calories out  equation will always tell us if you’re  eating too much or too little, but  there’s more to our bodies than just  the energy needs. By eating the right  ratio of different calories, we can  manipulate body composition,  increase performance, improve  energy, brain function, and so much  more!

Calories are the foundation of your  nutrition, but we can fine tune this  approach by tracking 3 of the bigger  kinds of calories, the macronutrients.

What Is A Calorie - CTA


What are macros?

Macronutrients are what calories are made of. There are 3 macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Each of these serve a  different and important role in your body, but they each have their own calorie count per gram.

By tracking the amount of grams of  each macro we consume, we can find  the amount of calories we are  consuming as well as tailor the ratios  to better suit individual needs. When  we track macros rather than just  certain kinds of foods, there is  ultimate food flexibility. No food is  “off limits” as long as you can track  what you eat. Of course, there are preferred options, but the beauty of  eating within a flexible framework is  that it is not restrictive. You can still eat the foods you love and be successful. 

We as coaches rarely use calculators to determine a member’s starting macro targets but if you need a  good starting point, below are a couple macronutrient calculators that’ll set you up to use the info in this guide well: 

Benefits of Each Macro

These macros all have their place in your diet, and we do not think of any of these as “good” or “bad.” They are simply calories that we use to make up our day!






How To Track Your Food

There are 3 things that you need in order to accurately track food:


The food scale is going to be your best friend in the kitchen. Your food scale will tell you what an accurate serving size is, as well as keep you honest with what you are actually eating. Any food scale from Amazon or Wal Mart will work, but we’ll share one we prefer below. To use the food scale, simply “zero” or “tare” the scale, place the amount of food on the scale, and record the amount. This takes a bit of getting used to, but it will be second nature to you soon enough!


We will utilize a smartphone app called MyFitnessPal (also available on a desktop). MFP has a huge database of verified foods that will give you accurate data of what you are actually eating. There is also a scanning feature where you can directly scan barcodes of foods and packages which will populate it in the app! It’s a free app that also has a premium option.


There is a bit of a learning curve here. Your first few days and weeks might be frustrating but continue to be consistent and this will be an easy process for you soon enough! Follow these consistently for at least 2-3 weeks, and if you need help, consider hiring a coach!

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